Click above, or on the map, for a list of virtual support/social groups in ALL counties throughout Oregon.
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Baker, Grant, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Union and Wallowa
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Winnie Burnett 541-377-0790
JulieKay Dudley 541-562-6137
Cassiopaia Smith 541-910-1328
Sharyn Smith 541-240-4064
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Harney, Jefferson, Sherman, Wheeler and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Chapter Reps: Open! Please contact ASO at or 503-636-1676 if interested in a volunteer position.
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Lake
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Rhonda Smerdon 541-261-8357
Misty Suppah 541-777-1187
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Benton, Coos, Lincoln, and Linn
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Martha Muirhead 541-551-1289
Erika Kraft
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Marion, Polk, Yamhill
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Cassidy Weisz 971-237-7013
Crystal Dickinson
Dan Dickinson 971-218-9902
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Clackamas, Wasco, Hood River and Multnomah
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Lori Ball 503-636-1676
Dori Fenech 929-422-9830 (Habla Espanol)
Elli Cascazorla – 971-223- 7560 (Habla Espanol)
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in this county:
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Amber Perry 541-633-8293
Mary-Minn Sirag 541-689-2228
Click above, or on the map, for a list of support/social groups in these counties:
Washington, Tillamook, Clatsop, Columbia
To contact Chapter Reps in this region:
Connie Gunn 503-438-0709
Lori Ball 503-636-1676
Volunteer Chapter Reps are always welcome. Please contact us if you would like to help other families. To learn more, call the ASO office at (503) 636-1676 or toll-free at 1-888-AUTISM-1 (1-888-288-4761).
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